An article on July 5, 1994, about James B. Blair, then the general
counsel for the Tyson Foods company and a longtime confidant and
personal emissary for Bill and Hillary Clinton, misstated benefits that
Tyson received from the state of Arkansas while Mr. Clinton was
governor. Although the company did benefit from at least $7 million in
state tax credits, it did not receive $9 million in loans from the
state. (The error appeared in three other articles and in an editorial
in 1994, all of which were corrected on April 20 of that year. The
correction should have been appended then in The Times’s archives to
those articles: one on the front page on March 18 about Mrs. Clinton’s
commodity trades in the late 1970s; a March 19 article about President
Clinton’s defense of Mrs. Clinton’s investments; a March 30 article
about the White House’s disclosure of the amount Mrs. Clinton invested
in commodities trades, and a March 31 editorial.)
The error in
the July 5 article was discovered during research after the watchdog
group Media Matters twice pointed out that the 1994 correction had not
been appended to the other articles. Link