An article on July 12 about bombings of natural gas pipelines in
Mexico misstated the name of the state that is home to Salamanca, one
of the cities supplied by the pipelines. It is Guanajuato; there is no
“Guatemala State.” The article also misstated the year for the founding
of the Popular Revolutionary Army, the rebel group that claimed
responsibility for the bombings. It was formed in 1994, not 1996.
The article also misidentified the group that kidnapped the businessman
Alfredo Harp Helú, one of at least three executives kidnapped in an
effort to raise money for rebel causes. It was carried out by the
Revolutionary Workers Party-People’s Union — not by the Popular
Revolutionary Army, which later merged with the union.
Also, the
article misstated the name of a splinter group that claimed
responsibility for a number of minor bombings in Mexico City last year,
and it referred incorrectly to the timing of those bombings. The
Revolutionary Army of the Insurgent People took responsibility, not the
Popular Army of the Insurgent Revolution, and the bombings were after
last year’s election, not during the campaign. Link