When the Seattle Post-Intelligencer corrects an article online, there's usually an Editor's Note inserted in the piece to highlight the error and the correct information. Most of the time, this offers readers the necessary information. But a Note contained within this Couch Slouch football column leaves us wondering:
Editor's Note: A paragraph in questionable taste was removed from the original version of this column at this point.
Fortunately, the Couch Slouch is syndicated. And what was "questionable" in Seattle was, apparently, just fine in Houston. The Houston Chronicle ran the offending paragraph, and here it is:
At the NFC Championship Game, a half-frozen 10-year-old sang the
national anthem before the Falcons played the Eagles. I hate to
nitpick, but some adult was whispering the words into his ear! It felt
like the presidential debates all over again.
Questionable taste or questionable editing?