Early Tuesday morning, several top editors from the Chicago Tribune were hard at work removing a section from that day's paper. Once you can get past the image of highly-paid newspaper folks on their hands and knees physically yanking a section out of thousands of copies, the question of "why" becomes important. The answer: because some c*ck let a story get on the front page of the WomanNews section with a headline that included the word "c_nt". That's right: they were talking about the word "cunt" and decided to give the story a saucy headline. Give credit to the Wall Street Journal for getting the story:
The article, which ran under the headline "You c_nt say that," was cleared by editors Geoff Brown and Cassandra West, who oversee the paper's Wednesday WomanNews section. Tribune editors said Ms. Lipinski discovered the story was slated to run at the newspaper's regular morning editorial meeting, but the section had already been preprinted ahead of the daily press run. A spokeswoman for the newspaper said a "very nominal" number of subscribers received the story and declined to comment on any possible disciplinary action as a result of the incident. She said the paper's public editor, who addresses reader issues, plans to address the situation in a future column.An editor's note in today's edition offered an apology. "Senior editors determined that the story was inappropriate after the preprinted section went to press. Most copies were removed from Wednesday's edition of the paper, though a relatively small number of copies may still contain it. A new version of the section was printed in time to be distributed to a substantial number of readers today. Those who did not receive the revised section will find it in Thursday's Tribune. The Tribune regrets any offense and inconvenience to its readers."
Our favorite line in the story, however, is this: "Tribune editors said Teamster employees eventually forced them to stop pulling the section late last night because they needed to start printing another newspaper." You know it's serious when the teamsters step in because they want to work.